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American Airlines Hindu Meal

What I was told was the American Airlines Hindu Meal from Tampa to Dallas

One of the great things American Airlines does for first class passengers is allow you to select your meals in advance. The only trick is that your upgrade has to clear at least 24 hours ahead. While they have a lot of options, I wrote last week that my diabetic meal was good but weird. The same thing happened on my April 16 flight from Tampa to Dallas. I ordered the American Airlines Hindu meal. I enjoyed the meal, but it didn’t exactly make me think of South Asia.

Meals on American Airlines start with drink service.

The picture you saw at the top of this post that looks like a lovely pasta dish? The flight attendant asked me if that looked right, but confirmed that it was clearly labeled, “Hindu meal.” I suspect, however, that Tampa catering was not having a great day. I did get a lovely glass of Woodford Reserve bourbon. Unfortunately, the flight attendant told me they had not catered the flight with hot towels or mixed nuts.

My American Airlines Hindu meal was all served on one plate. That is typically how the airline handles service, particularly for mid-con flights. I was served a cheese pasta with tomato sauce, a brownie, and a broccoli salad with what was probably mayo. I have had that before, and it falls into the rather expansive American Airlines category of “weird but good.” Of course, I was free to order anything I wanted to drink.

Was the American Airlines Hindu Meal even appropriate?

I am not Hindu, so I cannot comment with certainty on whether this meal meets religious dietary requirements. However, my understanding is that it does. While the meal is not vegan, there was no animal flesh. There was cheese and the probably mayo type stuff on the broccoli, but not meat. When I commented on Twitter, American said they would ask their culinary team. They did not get back to me. So my guess is that this meal fit the letter of the law without being what I expected.

I have ordered this meal before and received a nice curry. I intend to order it again when circumstances allow. However, I enjoyed both it and the diabetic meal I ordered on this trip. Since neither meal was what I expected, you should consider bringing your own food if you have strict dietary or religious requirements. Happy travels!

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